Support RecWell
Inspire more Terps to be active and live well
Did you have a meaningful experience with RecWell as a student employee or participant? Would you like to help us inspire all Terps to be active and well? Contributions to University Recreation & Wellness support ongoing programs and facilities for students, faculty/staff, and community members, along with new wellness initiatives and student development efforts.
Eppley Student Enhancement Fund
Created in memory of Geary F. Eppley, a pioneer in the area of student health and wellness at the University of Maryland, this fund provides for enhancements to RecWell programs and facilities that support student development and overall well-being.
Adventure Program Access and Enrichment Fund
These funds cover full or partial adventure trip registration fees for students to participate on adventure trips. Adventure trip registration includes trained trip leaders, transportation, equipment rental, and any park entrance or camping fees.
Club Sports
These funds are used to help deserving club sports manage the costs associated with equipment purchases and to travel to competitions as representatives of the University of Maryland. Both general and specific club support is welcome.
Sponsor RecWell
Become a community partner or sponsor a RecWell activity, event, or facility. Reach thousands of college students interested in fitness, sports, and wellness with your brand's product and message. Sponsorship benefits could include the opportunity to interact face-to-face with students and/or message placement in facilities.
Thank you to our Sponsors