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North Campus Facilities Student Employees welcome a patron into Eppley Recreation Center at the Information Desk.

Student Employment

University Recreation & Wellness is one of the largest student employers on campus and employment with us is more than a paycheck! Student employees develop important career and personal skills, meet new people, and support the entire UMD community by encouraging all to be active and live well.

Student Employment Opportunities

Our application is currently open on a rolling basis for immediate and Spring semester (Jan 2025) start dates. More information is available below.

Our application for Winter & Spring 2025 start dates is currently OPEN on a rolling basis. Positions may be added or removed at any time based on need. Generally, you can expect to hear back in 3-5 weeks.

We are currently hiring for:

  • Adventure Program: Challenge Course Staff and Trip Leader
  • Aquatics: Lifeguard** and Technician*
  • Community/Safety: Lifeguard Instructor**
  • Esports: Graphic Designer* and Video Editor*
  • Fitness: Group Fitness Instructor* and Personal Trainer**

* Relevant Experience Required
** Valid Certification Required

When making hiring decisions, we look for students who demonstrate a connection to our Mission & Values; who have strong work ethic and are reliable; and who have put time, thought, and effort into their application. Applicants should submit accurate and personalized answers to each question on the application and submit only their own work for all uploads and other requested materials.

We receive hundreds of applications each semester- you should want yours to stand out. Answers that are copied and pasted from online sources (including AI) blend in with dozens of other applications. Tell us why you are uniquely prepared for this role!

Enrolled UMD students who are service-oriented, reliable, and have a passion for inspiring others to be active and live well are encouraged to apply. RecWell is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities, and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Our student employment application is open year-round. The positions available on the application to apply for may change at any given time; if the position is listed on the application, we are accepting applications for it. 

Our main recruitment cycles are in March (3/1-3/31) for summer and fall start dates and in October (10/1-10/31) for winter and spring start dates. During these cycles, the large majority of our teams are hiring, including entry-level positions. Best consideration dates (typically mid-month) are sometimes used in these large cycles to help us manage the volume of applicants. 

Between our main recruitment cycles, our application is open on a rolling basis for positions with openings. The positions listed on the application will change based on need. While we occasionally hire for entry-level positions between large cycles, most of the positions that accept rolling applications require some kind of relevant experience or certification.

RecWell has over 20 different positions for students of all abilities and interests. The hiring period for some positions varies throughout the year and depends upon need. Below is a full list of all student employee positions.

  • Adventure Program: Trip Leaders, Bike Shop Mechanics, Challenge Course Facilitators, Adventure Staff (Rental Desk & Indoor Bouldering Area), and Climbing Wall Staff & Setters
  • Aquatics and Community Programs: Lifeguards*, Lifeguard Instructors*, Safety Instructors, Swim Instructors, Pickleball Instructors, and Tennis Instructors
  • Club Sports: Supervisors
  • Esports*: Broadcast Assistants*, Casters*, Observers*, Photographers*, Graphic Designers*, Social Media Specialists*, Videographers*, and Video Editors*
  • Facility Staff: Event Staff, North Campus (Eppley & OAC) Staff, South Campus (Ritchie) Staff, Armory Staff, and Operations Assistants
  • Golf Course: Grounds Staff and Pro Shop Staff
  • Fitness Programs: Group Fitness Instructors*, Personal Trainers*, and Weight/Fitness Staff 
  • Intramural Sports: Officials and Scorekeepers
  • Business Services: Active Terp Outreach Team, Active Terp Brand Ambassadors, Graphic Designers*, Member Services Representatives, and Photographers*

*Positions with an asterisk require valid certifications and/or relevant experience/knowledge to apply.

To connect with RecWell professional staff regarding employment opportunities email 

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